Rosemary Parrott

ISBN: 978-1-909054-01-1

Rosemary Parrott’s first collection of poems takes the reader on a journey that is both physical and spiritual, moving from Guernsey to Crete, from Exposition to Development to Recapitulation. Richly descriptive, her words capture emotions and sentiments that will strike a chord in most readers’ minds and hearts. Whether she is describing the fertile imagination of a child, the beauty of the morning on a bus journey in Crete, her images are perfectly chosen and thought-provoking. Rosemary Parrott en-courages us to pause for a moment to enjoy and appreciate the music that is life.

ISBN: 978-1-909054-02-9

In this second volume Rosemary Parrott continues her personal journey by exploring the effects of various kinds of light on the human condition. Readers will enjoy her close observations of the small but significant moments in life, as well as her style of humour. The poems are made accessible by her directness of language, particularly through the skilful use of the sound and rhythm of the words. This comes as no surprise, given that Rosemary is herself an accomplished musician. She is also a visual artist and the illustrations and cover of this volume are her own work.

ISBN: 978-1-909054-35-6

“Time present and time pastAre both perhaps present in time future,”Thus does T.S. Eliot, writing 80 years ago, open his exploration of the impact of the past upon the present and future. Rosemary Parrott too, wonders about echoes from the past, recurring cycles of relationships, and the behaviour and actions of our ancestors, which, unbidden at times, infiltrate our present day lives. This is one theme which runs “Like an ever-rolling stream” through this third volume of poetry.As with her previous volumes, Sonata in the Key of Life and Lanterns in Wet Leaves, Rosemary continues her spiritual quest, but, in common with the earlier collections, the everyday, the concrete, the wryly humorous are used as foundation blocks for her lively and passionate poetic explorations.

Susan Hatton

ISBN: 978-1-909054-63-9

Susan Hatton’s lively style covers a variety of subjects in this collection.


ISBN: 978-1-915166-14-2

Julia’s poems in this collection explore her feelings after the loss of her mother.

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Charlotte Turner-Smith was an 18th century novelist and poet. Her poems are collected in this edition